Jonathan Pryce as Davies and Alan Cox as Aston in The Caretaker currently at BAM |
Viewing the power struggle between individuals in
The Caretaker was revelatory. Egos were the problem; humanity the potential cure. The inability to touch another's soul the devastation. How does one connect? Through compassion, through empathy, through the Spirit. But before that is possible, one has to be in the Spirit and to do that is impossible if one is flesh, ego, pride. Only with God is such compassion and empathy possible. Pinter revealed the emptiness and loneliness of humanity in crystal clear dialogue that the wonderful Spirit and humanity of the actors brought to life in the production. There was no perceived answer for humanity's abyss, no cure. Faith can bring the cure, but it is impossible without the electricity of Spirit to convey the truth. A beginning might be Psalm 23rd and prayer.
When egos step between our soul and mind
When consciousness does sleep, is unaware
That we manipulate our past unkind
To get through tribulations so unfair.
When others drag us through their cruelties
And make us bow to their warped childhood blights
And wipe their dross on us like we're debris
And trash to dump in pits to fire their sight.
Then call upon the Lord and pray for strength,
And vision to untangle any web
That's bound you up. With Him you then can rent
The chains that would to slave your soul and ebb
His Grace. So seek His Joy, His peace, His Light.
Destroy all bindings with His loving Might.